We’re better, connected.

O2 started life as mobile telecom provider. VCCP founding (and retained) client the success of the O2 brand grew the iconic bubbles extended into all streams of British life.

I’ve worked with O2 since just after its launch. I have helped launch the brand internationally and extend into domestic markets with: resurrecting the failed London Dome as The O2 which became the: “world’s most popular entertainment venue”, the O2 Wireless Music Festival, O2 Academy music venues, O2 Money, O2 Priority customer loyalty, Broadband, Business, Think Big CSR and consumer help with The O2 Gurus. I have artworked, designed and delivered press, outdoor, in-store, packaging, experiential and internal comms.

Soon I was promoted to Studio Manger leading a team of up to nine managed launching Retail and DR national press campaign simultaneously. Pushing 20 handsets with reductions on prices, tariffs and increases in bundles as the sale progressed. Totalling 108 ad insertions (that’s a pretty big Excel sheet). With sales figures that surpassed the clients expectations.




Budget Direct – Cuzzy Wayne